This article is a little deviate from the Main Topic of My blog (that is all about toys). But I need to express as sharing experiences for my blogger’s friends to increase the website rank.
I started blogwalking with alexa rank of about 14 millions, has now become about 2.5 millions. In my opinion the way to increase rank is by blogwalking. The way I have done, as follows:
I started blogwalking with alexa rank of about 14 millions, has now become about 2.5 millions. In my opinion the way to increase rank is by blogwalking. The way I have done, as follows:
1. Select a blog / website that was attuned to the topic of your blog (My blog about TOY) For example site A. I notice in site A’s Cbox for a visit back to my site. At that time, I was also click other visitors in the Cbox list, one by one and leave the same message, after it, I visited again to the first visitors of the blog A (eg. I named B) and so I visited the blog B’s visitors one by one again, so on the relay .
2. Make your comments as attractive as possible. If You use Cbox, you can give marquee effect (your comment can flow back and forth) with: type [scroll] Your comment [/ scroll] .
2. Make your comments as attractive as possible. If You use Cbox, you can give marquee effect (your comment can flow back and forth) with: type [scroll] Your comment [/ scroll] .
The results for two ways above that I have done, are pretty good antoy d many visitors have been returning to my blog.thereby information at a glance, I hope this is useful, maybe you have a better experience or knowledge to share, I loved too.. share to me please... thanks
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