Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Types or Characteristic Games For Your Kids

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Play a game is the way how children learn the world
Here are some good game guidelines for children in several stages.

Socialization games.
Interacting with others is very important for development, especially in the first year. Babies like to look, smiled, and laughed. Older infants like peekaboo game (hide and seek) and singing games using simple songs. Hiding behind the desk, behind the curtain, become into an exciting game for them

Uses Object Games
Touching, slamming, putting into his mouth, throwing, shoving, and many other things that would be a wonderful experiment for children between 4 to 10 months.

Representation and function Games.
Pretending to use the tools in his way, eg using a comb to comb his hair, or brushing your teeth with a toothbrush, is a game of imagination for children ages 12 to 21 months, because at this age babies begin to develope their imagination.

Symbol Games.
The game is usually done by children aged 2 years, wished that the shoebox is a school bus and motor noises.

Usually done by children aged 30 to 36 months. At this age they will become an actor and a great actress. They pretend to be doctors, teachers, mothers, or other, and smart absorb what is happening in their environment.

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